So, in that spirit, here are some pressing issues my clients have been asking about in the past few weeks:
- A custody matter
- An affair
- A legal case
- An upcoming promotion
- The exact nature of a couple of new businesses under development (by two clients)
- Whether to buy a second home in a particular city
- How to make a bar mitzvah go well
- What to ask for (and receive!) in a (now not so) rocky romantic relationship
- The energetic roots of one client's ADD
- The emotional aspects of another's hip pain, and
- Where to go on vacation.
Every person I read got specific answers to their questions, including a sense of greater ease and clarity about relevant past and present forces and desires, and help with encouraging the future to unfold in ways the person I was reading would prefer.
Curious? Have a burning question? Want to let go of outmoded programming and old energies that keep you stuck?

Get in touch here. And read some testimonials of satisfied clients here.
copyright © 2016 Lisa Bernstein